Tuesday 21 April 2009

Another Great Day


Just in from another great day's golf. Today was the team scramble on the Eden Course. Here's our team. Bob (left) and Susan from Boston, Eric from France and Greg, the caddy on the right. Today was very windy, but the rain that threathened once or twice never came and we had another great sunny day.

The Eden is long (especially into the wind !), a nice course, but not as picturesque as Kingsbarns yesterday. We did Ok as a team - Gross 72, so we were happy. I played better today and a lot of the putts dropped .. very welcome after some trials and tribulations on the greens yesterday ! And I contributed a nice birdie 2 on the 10th.

We had some time with the pro's this morning before the game and they are around every day before and after the golf to help. Today, I was just too tired to go back to the range afterwards. Will go again in the morning.

Tonight it's dinner at the Old Course hotel and some Scottish entertainment ! at the Jigger Inn just next door.



P.S. They put golf quotes in your room every day here. I love today's : 'Golf is like a Love Affair : If you don't take it seriously, it's boring, and if you do, it breaks your heart !'

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