Friday 24 April 2009

Golfing Mecca - A Sunny Day on the Old Course

We're just back in from the golf day of my life ! We had a magnificent day on the Old Course today. Here's our 4 ball for today on the first tee : Susan and Bob again, and Alex from Germany, a great group. We had a brilliant time.

It's almost intoxicating to stand on the first tee and drive down towards the Swilkin Burn. Thankfully I managed a good one down the middle and stayed away from the trouble (but I was shaking on the tee !). Layed up to about 3 feet short of the burn (by design of course !) and escaped with a 5 - the relief !

Here's the first tee shot, over Granny Clarke's Wynd (where the car is going across !).

The course is absolutely stunning with tons of extra bunkers that you never see on TV. You also get no idea of the slopes and steps on the greens. Some of the greens are 100 feet wide. One, the 11th is just one big slope from left to right. The caddies call it the shortest Par 5 in the world !

And the bunkers .. I only found one (really silly shot. I underhit a chip to the green on the 13th and of course it wound it's way into a very interesting bunker ! (Just being friendly really - there were already 2 balls in there !). It took me 2 to get out sideways .. but you can't play the Old Course without visiting a bunker - would be rude !

There's a brilliant bunker in front of the double green for the 7th and the 11th. It's called Shell Bunker. Bob found it on 7 and Susan did on 11th. Susan called it the Grand Canyon. Here it is ... It really is a day's work to get out of it, great fun though.

I probably played my best golf today, but missed a few short putts on the back 9. Ended up with 34 points, net 78 ; 2 over the Ladies Par of 76. I drove well and hit some great long woods. My caddy Ian, was terrific. He found the right line for me every time and apart from one silly chip, I avoided all the bunkers, which is the really the key of playing the Old Course.

We took some time to enjoy our game today. It was the first time on the old course for all of us .. so lots of photos. Here we are on the Swlikin Bridge.

Today was a great combination of history, golfing magic, definitely a sense of occasion and some good golf.. what more could you ask for !

Here I am on the 18th playing up towards the Valley of Sin. It was quite windy. I didn't make it in 2 and had a long putt from off the green. The marker beside me is the Longest drive, which I passed .. but there were a lot behind us , so I very much doubt that mine will stay longest for long .. but it was nice to get there - even if only temporarily !

And here I am again putting out for a 5 on 18. It felt really good to walk over the bridge and up the 18th .. just like Jack, Tiger, Padraig etc. etc.

What a magnificent day .. I can't say enough positives about it. Brilliant - highly recommended. !

Off to the closing dinner tonight and home tomorrow morning. I can't believe the week is over - it seems like no time since I got my first glimpse of the Old Course.

Slan agus beannacht,


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